This past weekend we packed up the dog, some snacks and water and headed out to the lake to try out Geocaching for the first time. Geocaching is a type of outdoor treasure hunt game, where participants use GPS receivers and navigational techniques to locate caches anywhere across the world. The lake just happened to be a great spot for us since it’s so conveniently close to Augusta and a beautiful area to explore. Even after living here for ten years, I’m still discovering new parks and Wildlife Management Areas. The Ridge Road Access area was somewhere we both decided to check out and luckily there was a Geocache there we could try to find.
We followed a trail for a while until our GPS unit started pointing us cross-country. A few hundred yards of trekking through the woods along a wandering stream and I think we’ve found it!
The cache was along this stream close to where it fed into the lake: simply gorgeous. One of the best parts of Geocaching is sharing your favorite spots with other outdoor enthusiasts.
The cache: they’re often recycled ammo boxes.
Part of the fun of Geocaching is reading the log entries from other participants who’ve discovered it, and bringing along a fun little object or toy to trade for what’s already in the cache.
Check out the classy slap bracelets.
On the way back to the car, we followed the shoreline a while and enjoyed more of the beauty of the forest.